Watch the Brand's manifesto video


Just imagine for a moment.

Imagine storing and protecting everything that has value. Even what cannot be touched. Think about what it would be like if there were boxes capable of keeping everything, even the best childhood memories or teenage adventures, forever! Alright… we’re not there yet. But we can protect many other things beyond your products.

We are packaging specialists. But we like to think outside the box, literally. A more agile, comprehensive, smarter way to work. We create quality, value, and the right timelines so that your products also reach your customers with quality, value, and precise timelines. And delays, uncertainties, stay in the past.

We use technology to be by your side and in tune with your business. And thus, create relationships that last. From contact to project, from order to delivery; everything in a digital, direct, fluid, and agile manner. This is how we protect your products, but also something equally precious; your time. Is that all? Of course not. Our always-improving and adaptable solutions also protect your capital.

Your products are essential for your company. But they are just one part of your business. Now is the time to protect more. Much more.

Cartrom. Protect your evolution.

Our Purpose

Time and Value

We are a manufacturer of corrugated cardboard boxes and accessories

and hybrid sustainable packaging systems.

We delve deeper into our customers' businesses to understand their needs and intelligently help them with solutions.

We believe that more than protecting products, we help customers achieve results.

Size and structure

CARTROM is a conversion industry with a strong commercial presence in SP, PR, SC, and RS, providing complete service conditions to clients with facilities located in these states.

We combine high performance standards with economies of scale, which qualifies us as a company with a national level of competitiveness.



Our solutions prioritize sustainability with functional processes and rational use of resources. We help your business to be more competitive and environmentally responsible.

CARTROM understands that practicing socio-environmental responsibility means being aligned with the country's social and environmental development, seeking to generate reflection and important changes to improve everyone's quality of life.

and Innovation

We expand our integration and proximity to your business, in real time and in a digital environment, with total flexibility. We use digital channels and platforms with high efficiency, significantly enhancing the speed and quality of the information you need.

We are open to disruption that protects your evolution.


Strategic guidelines underpin the actions of the Cartrom Management Groups, which analyze the company's performance through indicators, enabling permanent evolution in decision-making with the aim of creating value for the customer. All of this consolidates a management model of excellence, becoming a positive reference in the packaging segment.


Contributing to the reconstruction of Rio Grande do Sul is a strategic focus, to this end we launched the Solidarity Box program.

What is it?
An initiative that aims to act as a means of connection between the collection and destination of donations for victims of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul.

How does it work?
Supply of cardboard boxes used to organize, store and transport donations to shelters and charities.

We also provide our customers and partner entities with our logistical structure in order to transport these donations, ensuring that they reach their destination.

Cartrom Ethics

We value ethics and respect for the human being as essential elements in building lasting professional relationships.

With the awareness that our values express what we believe, we have developed the Code of Conduct of Cartrom, which presents a set of guidelines and references that guide our decisions and actions, reflecting our commitment to uphold ethical, responsible, and integrity-driven stances in all relations with internal staff, clients, suppliers, industry entities, and other stakeholders.

It is precisely through this document that we will conduct, with total integrity, the best coexistence in the workplace, ensuring transparency in operations and a safe environment for all employees and partners.

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Contact Us

Leave your details and we will be happy to answer any questions about our products.

New business: (51) 99761-1409
General topics: (41) 3204-6900
Business Unit PR
Rua Sylvano Alves da Rocha Loures, 488 Rivieira - Curitiba - PR
CEP: 81290-030
(41) 3204-6900 How to get there
Business Unit RS
Rua Alfredo Robinson, 110
Rincão dos Ilhéus - Estância Velha - RS
CEP: 93608-120
(51) 2160-8900 How to get there